Maybe you are lacking connection - this is extremely common in our world where family and friends are often not geographically near us. We lack the tribe that people had in previous decades; people now are too busy for the sewing/quilting/other get-togethers that helped people feel connected to others. Find yourself first and finding people to connect with will surely follow.
It took me a bit of time, but I finally got the message and began setting aside a small space of time for ME. Consistency is key, and for me that meant finding a time and activity that would fill me up spiritually and soulfully. It also meant creating a ritual of sorts so that I would do it on a regular basis. Taking courses in the Holistic Healing Soul Centered Academy fit into my sacred space/fill my cup time wonderfully, but I also fill up by participating in hobbies I enjoy like crochet and paper crafting on a regular basis. For me personal development is also important - whether that be a Ted Talk computer vid, a fb live from my team, or an inspiring book.
Only you can make a conscious decision to end this neglect and take action to bring yourself back into your life.
Here are a few steps that will get you started:
Make a Sacred Space. This can be anywhere, or it can be everywhere. Your nightstand, a shelf, or a desk. Preferably you will be able to spend time at this Sacred Space daily - but when you are first implementing this it could be a table/shelf that you pass by several times a day where you can just p a u s e for a short time, take a deep breathe, maybe reaffirm the affirmation that you have for the day... and carry on. If there is a mirror on this shelf stick a sticky note to it that says - You Are Enough. Reflect on that often during the day... always remember to breathe deeply and calmly.
If you can spend some time in your Sacred Space area you might choose to read a chapter in a Personal Development book. You are a Badass is a good one. {I have a copy to loan if you read electronically}. You might pull an oracle card, affirmation card, or get out your tarot deck. Maybe write a letter to a friend, do yoga, or meditate. If you are a journal-er do some work in your art, gratitude, or Bible journal. Whatever will refill your soul. Do it! You are totally worth it.
Step outside and let the sun shine down on you, take a walk, work in your garden, work on the book you are writing, get a mani/pedi, snuggle with your cat, light a candle, use crystals to assist in clearing chakras, diffuse quality essential oils to uplift you... whatever resonates with you.
Tell your family that you just need this time alone - and that you will be a better person, a better mom after you have your sacred time to connect with yourself.
The point here is to calm your mind and soul long enough for you to breathe and reach deep inside and find YOU. We all get lost in our busy lives, and we tend to disappear... discovering yourself again takes patience, time, and most of all consistence. Look for yourself daily - even for 5 minutes. Soon you will probably want to check in with yourself several times a day!
Start where you are with what you have. Motivation and words are great - but nothing will change until you take action and stop neglecting you.
It's your story - don't let someone else write it for you.
Bottom line: Make Self-Care a priority -- You are worth it!
Love and light,
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