Traditional doTERRA

Blossoms United also has full support for Wellness Advocates, and Wholesale Customers, who maybe aren't interested in the Holistic side of our team. {or aren't interested in the business opportunity}

We have an awesome Blue Diamond sharing the traditional doTERRA way via one-on-ones and in-home classes. We have the resources to support you, and in fact some of our Blossoms participate in the doTERRA lifestyle in this way. 

Worried about giving classes? We have scripts and several Facebook Lives of an actual class to encourage you - as well as all the support you need to succeed!

You can join the Blossoms United team with any Enrollment kit purchase.

Need help on whether to sign up as a Wellness Advocate or a Wholesale Customer?

Wellness Advocates enjoy 25% off retail, free 1 year membership when you enroll with an enrollment kit, and the business opportunity if you want to share your oils and pay for your new oil habit {or more! - min. monthly order of 100pv required to receive commissions}.

Wholesale Customers enjoy all the perks mentioned above HOWEVER your membership is for personal use only - no selling and no required monthly minimum orders. It's like a Costco membership. If you decide later to upgrade to a Wellness Advocate to build your business you can do so.

** Both WA's and WC's have a renewal fee of $25 every year after enrollment - and doTERRA sends you a bottle of free Peppermint Essential Oil at the time. :)  {Costco doesn't give you anything for membership renewal.}

Still unsure or need more info? Please email me with any questions or concerns!

1. Please visit and click Join & Save - see green circle in image ^. 
2. Choose your account type: Wholesale Customer for personal use, or Wellness Advocate for business use. You can always change from Wholesale to Wellness Advocate later on and a Wellness Advocate account includes a free personalized store front like you see above. 
3. Fill in all the info on the form.
4. And now the fun part! Choose the Essential Oil Enrollment Kit that you prefer. The above examples are just that - you can choose a 100pv kit right from the start if you would like.
5. Click on the shopping cart, and check out!

You'll get all kinds of support from me and the Blossoms United Family! And we'd be thrilled to have you join us!

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