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I love reading about others, but never know what to write about myself... So here's a simple 20 things list. :)

1. Wife, Mom to 2, Nana to 2, dog mom to 3 hoodlums + 1 cat.
2. Love Anime, the ocean, rain, & Papermate Flair pens.
3. Native of SoCal transplanted to the Mid-west.
4. Not a morning person.
5. Currently watching: TWD, Gran Hotel, BTVS, & Vampire Knight.
6. Currently reading: War... something by Brandon something. lol
7. Failed scrapbooker & art journaler - New love is Junk Journals & 'Zines.
8. Introverted Leo. I don't even know.
9. Crafter with way too many hobbies.
10. Lover of oils, crystals, and sparkly.
11. Mexican food is my jam.
12. I was a vegetarian for 8 years. My body didn't like it.
13. I dislike shopping.
14. Tacos are yum.
15. Fish tacos are even more yum. Especially in CR by the ocean.
16. I'm a Hypo-Thyroidism, Hashimotos Warrior.
17. Food lifestyle of choice: Paleo
18. Drink of choice: Fresh juice or water, or tea.
19. I have THE best husbeast. The best.
20. Clothing of choice: Sweatshirt, jeans & thongs erm... flip flops.

Email: willknitfortacos@gmail.com
IG: @CelestialWeb
FB: CelestialWeb