W E L C O M E to all my lovely soul-centered light bringing readers! This is the course index page for the Blossoms United Holistic Healing Soul Centered Biz Academy!
All courses have a scholarship available with membership in our Blossoms United doTERRA tribe and a qualifying purchase, which buys you your course supplies. Yay! Soooo much value here! So dive in to see what might interest you - you don't have to take all courses altho' you certainly can! Have fun exploring and if you have any questions at all I'm only an email away!
So lets get started! ... Click on the images to find out more!
This is a group hosted on Facebook. Please email me for the link. TY!
If you think you might be interested in the OPTIONAL business opportunity we have a bunch of support for that also.... including a team facebook group and just all sorts of help in all aspects, whether you want to host classes locally, or branch out with your existing/dream holistic business; Whatever your method we can help! These images do not yet have links but you can take a look at the 21 Day Fast Start program here. You don't have to purchase it {it's free} & I know it says "preview" but it should be the same as if you did go through the purchase process.
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