How to be Grateful

You know what I've found? Overall grateful people are happy people. 
Some people come by this naturally - like me. I'm a very positive person; I own that. But others can have a really hard time holding space for gratefulness, but that's okay - it's like me and math - we just have to work harder on the things that don't come to us naturally... and then those things get easier.

How can we be Grateful in our everyday?

One of the most profound ways is to take care of ourselves. I know, we've all been hearing about self-care for freakin ever right? But it's true. Amazingly true. If you are a totally grumpy, stressed individual because everyone is pulling at you in all the ways... you aren't going to be looking for things to be grateful for. You are just trying to get through the day.

Take some time for yourself - whatever that means for you. Even if it's a few minutes in your car or something. {don't try locking yourself in the bathroom if you have little people in your home. That has failed terribly for many many people lol} It doesn't take a lot of time - you just need a breather and you need it DAILY. Like consistently.

When you come out of your self-care mode, you can take a deep breath, include whatever essential oil that you are loving at the moment and makes you feel fantastic, and look for things to be grateful for. Little things. Big things. They are there in front of us all the time and we so often miss them.

One thing I like to do is grab a notebook or journal, make one if you are the crafty sort, and start writing down what you are finding during the day that makes you gratefully happy. You may find yourself really being aware of more things that are awesome just so you can write them down! It does take time to make anything a habit - they say 21 days. So why not start now?

Be kind out loud. Kindness and gratefulness go hand in hand. We need more people being kind out loud in this world.

Smile at people. For me, as an introvert, this is difficult; looking down and walking on is more my speed - But I try to do it several times while I'm out and about. It really does feel good after I get over myself lol.

That should get you started. It's not hard, takes just a little bit of time. Make yourself a priority - YOU ARE WORTH IT. 


Here's a blend you might want to try. Put a drops of each in a rollerball and fill with fco, or diffuse.

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